senTec Elektronik GmbH
Sensor System Solutions, Hard & Software Design

Information about senTec Elektronik

The company was founded in 1999 and is located in Ilmenau-Langewiesen, in the middle of Germany. We have a very close contact to the Technical University of Ilmenau.
This helps us to select the right tools and resources supporting every application. We have special experience in the development of industrial and automotive applications, sensors and measurement systems.
senTec Elektronik offers modules and starter kits for ColdFire, Power PC and wireless sensor networks also based on IEEE 802.15.4, as well as electronic design services and consulting for former Freescale microprocessors and microcontrollers as well as different microcontrollers from leading companys.


senTec Elektronik is a member of the AMA Gesellschaft für Sensorik e.V.